After placing an Order...

I need to cancel my order - is this possible?
Please email us on [email protected] providing the order number and we will process a cancellation and full refund. We ask for 48 hours notice of a c...
Tue, 27 Feb, 2024 at 12:36 PM
I put the wrong delivery address - can you help me change it?
Not a problem. Please email us on [email protected] providing the order number and the correct address and we will amend it for you.
Mon, 18 Oct, 2021 at 4:42 PM
I want to edit my order - can you help?
Please email us on [email protected] providing the order number and list of products you want to add or amend. We will amend the order for you follow...
Mon, 18 Oct, 2021 at 4:43 PM
I'd like to change the delivery date of my order - can you help?
Not a problem. Please email us on [email protected] providing the order number and the correct address and we will amend it for you.  
Mon, 18 Oct, 2021 at 4:43 PM
I haven't received a confirmation email - can you help?
Please email us on [email protected] and provide the order number or email address that you have placed the order with. We will resend you the confir...
Mon, 18 Oct, 2021 at 4:44 PM
I've just placed an order - when will it arrive?
If your order is for local delivery, you will receive a 3 hour ETA on the morning of the delivery day, as well as a tracking link. This will come via email....
Wed, 20 Oct, 2021 at 9:57 AM